1. 个人简历
1.1 教育经历
2010.06- 2014.09 西悉尼大学霍克斯伯里环境研究所,哲学博士 (植物生理生态学)
2006.09- 2009.07 中国科学院华南植物园,理学硕士 (生态学)
2002.09- 2006.07 中国农业大学资源与环境学院,理学学士 (生态学)
1.2 工作经历
2021.12-至今 贵州大学贵州省森林资源与环境研究中心,教授
2021.07-2021.12 贵州大学贵州省森林资源与环境研究中心,副教授
2014.09- 2021.06 南昌工程学院水利与生态工程学院,讲师、副教授
2. 研究方向与内容
2.1 研究方向
2.2 研究内容
1. 树木碳水生理及其耦合机制研究
2. 树木对全球变化因子(如CO2浓度升高、极端高温、降水格局改变、土壤养分变化与环境污染等等)的响应与适应机制研究
3. 科研情况
3.1 科研项目
1. 马尾松干旱死亡的水力阈值及其对CO2浓度升高的响应, 国家自然科学基金项目(32260263), 2023-2026, 主持。
2. 贵州省珍贵树种种苗繁育与人工林培育科技创新人才团队建设, 贵州省科技厅(黔科合平台人才-CXTD[2023]006), 2024-2026, 参与。
3. 亚热带典型树种对气候变化的响应与适应机制研究, 贵州大学特岗人才项目(202132), 2021-2024,主持。
4. 不同地理种源木荷对极端干旱的生理生态响应研究, 国家自然科学基金项目(31760111), 2018-2021, 主持。
5. 中亚热带森林典型树种幼苗的碳水特征对干旱-复水的响应, 国家自然科学基金项目(31600483), 2017-2019, 主持。
3.2 主要论文
1. Duan H*, Landhäusser SM, Ouyang S, Tissue DT. 2024. Saving for an emergency: How does carbon storage contribute to tree survival under long-term stress? Tree Physiology tpae025,https://doi.org/10.1093/treephys/tpae025
2. 王德福, 赵楠, 邱万滨, 桑栋鑫, 黄国敏, 刘文飞, 沈芳芳, 段洪浪*. 2024. 两个种源木荷幼苗对干旱-复水的生理生态响应. 广西植物
3. Zhao Y, Wang D, Duan H*. 2023. Effects of drought and flooding on growth and physiology of Cinnamomum camphora seedlings. Forests 14:1343. https://doi.org/10.3390/f14071343
4. Duan H, Shao C, Luo X, Resco de Dios V, Tissue DT, Ding G*. 2023. Root relative water content is a potential signal for impending mortality of a subtropical conifer during extreme drought stress. Plant, Cell and Environment 46: 2763-2777.
5. Cui Y, Ouyang S, Zhao Y, Tie L, Shao C, Duan H*. 2022. Plant responses to high temperature and drought: A bibliometrics analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1052660. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.1052660
6. Duan H*, Wang D, Zhao N, Huang G, Resco de Dios V, Tissue DT. 2022. Limited hydraulic recovery in seedlings of six tree species with contrasting leaf habits in subtropical China. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:967187. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.967187
7. Duan H*, Resco de Dios V, Wang D, Zhao N, Huang G, Liu W, Wu J, Zhou S, Choat B, Tissue DT. 2022.Testing the limits of plant drought stress and subsequent recovery in four provenances of a widely distributed subtropical tree species. Plant, Cell and Environment 45:1187-1203.
8. Marchant DB, Chen G, Cai S.. Duan H, et al. 2022. Dynamic genome evolution in a model fern. Nature Plants 8: 1038-1051.
9. Wang S, Cai M, Li D, Wu B, Li J, Huang G, Duan H*, Wu J*. 2021. Heat wave intensifies the effects of drought on bacterial diversity but not community composition in cherry tomato grown soil. Journal of Soils and Sediments 21: 355-363.
10. Li Y, Xu Y, Chen Y, Ling L, Jiang Y, Duan H*, J Liu. 2020. Effects of drought regimes on growth and physiological traits of a typical shrub species in subtropical China. Global Ecology and Conservation 24: e01269 doi:10.1016/j.gecco.2020.
11. Duan H, Ontedhu J, Milham P, Lewis JD, Tissue DT. 2019. Effects of elevated carbon dioxide and elevated temperature on morphological, physiological and anatomical responses of Eucalyptus tereticornis along a soil phosphorus gradient. Tree Physiology39:1821-1837.
12. Duan H, Li Y, Xu Y, Zhou S, Liu J, Tissue D, Liu J. 2019. Contrasting drought sensitivity and post-drought resilience among three co-occurring tree species in subtropical China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 272-273: 55-68.
13. 王德福,段洪浪*,黄国敏,周际海,李 威,黄荣珍,樊后保. 2019. 高温与干旱胁迫对西红柿幼苗生长、养分含量及元素利用效率的影响. 生态学报39:3199-3209.
14. Duan H*, Huang G, Zhou S, Tissue DT. 2018. Dry mass accumulation, allocation patterns and wateruse efficiency of two conifers with different water use strategies under elevated [CO2], warming and drought conditions. European Journal of Forest Research 137: 605-618.
15. Duan H, Chaszar B, Lewis JD, Smith RA, Huxman T, Tissue DT. 2018. CO2 and temperature effects on morphological and physiological traits affecting risk of drought-induced mortality. Tree Physiology 38: 1138-1151.
16. Duan H*, Wu J, Huang G, Zhou S, Liu W, Liao Y, Yang X, Xiao Z, Fan H*. 2017. Individual and interactive effects of drought and heat on leaf physiology of seedlings in an economically important crop. AoB Plants 9: plw090.doi.org/10.1093/aobpla/plw090.
17. Adams HD, Zeppel MJB, Anderegg WRL,…Duan H et al.2017. A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality. Nature Ecology and Evolution 1: 1285-1291. (ESI 0.1%热点论文)
18. Duan H, O’Grady AP, Duursma RA, Choat B, Huang G, Smith RA, Jiang Y, Tissue DT*. 2015. Drought responses of two gymnosperm species with contrasting stomatal regulation strategies under elevated [CO2] and temperature. Tree Physiology 35:756-770.
19. 段洪浪, 吴建平, 刘文飞, 廖迎春, 张海娜, 樊后保*. 2015. 干旱胁迫下树木的碳水过程以及干旱死亡机理. 林业科学 51: 113-120.
20. Duan H, Duursma RA, Huang G, Smith RA, Choat B, O’Grady AP, Tissue DT*. 2014. Elevated [CO2] did not ameliorate the negative effects of elevated temperature on drought-induced mortality in Eucalyptus radiata seedlings. Plant, Cell and Environment37: 1598-1613. (封面文章)
21. Duan H, Amthor JS, Duursma RA, O’Grady AP, Choat B, Tissue DT*. 2013. Carbon dynamics of eucalypt seedlings exposed to progressive drought in elevated [CO2] and elevated temperature. Tree Physiology33: 779-792. (封面文章)
3.3 授权专利
1. 段洪浪,赵永菊,邵畅畅, 崔雍. 实用新型专利:一种植物根系观察与采集装置,专利号ZL 202322542241.6. 授权日:2024年5月10日.
2. 吴建平,刘文飞,段洪浪,樊后保. 实用新型专利:一种土壤线虫提取装置,专利号ZL.201621259599.1,授权日,2017年10月13日
4. 学术服务
1. 编委:Plant Growth Regulation, Forests, BMC Plant Biology, Phyton,
《植物生态学报》 (青年编委),《热带生物学报》
2. 编审委员会成员: Tree Physiology, Frontiers in Plant Science
3. 为以下期刊审稿:New Phytologist|Plant, Cell and Environment|Tree Physiology|Science of the Total Environment|Ecohydrology|Journal of Plant Physiology|Journal of Plant Ecology|AoB Plants|Frontiers in Plant Science|《植物生态学报》等
4. 中国林学会树木生理生化专业委员会常委
5. 奖项荣誉
1. 第八届梁希青年论文奖三等奖 2020
2.2013年度西悉尼大学HIE研究所研究生最佳论文奖 2014 3.西悉尼大学国际博士研究生奖学金 2010-2013
4.澳大利亚联邦科工组织博士研究生奖学金 2010-2013
5.西悉尼大学HIE研究所研究生助学金 2010-2013
6. 联系方式
Email: hlduan@gzu.edu.cn